The Philosophy of Forgiveness – Volume IV
Christian Perspectives on Forgiveness
Gregory L. Bock (Ed.)
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"The Philosophy of Forgiveness, Volume IV: Christian Perspectives on Forgiveness" is a collection of essays that explores different Christian views on forgiveness. Each essay takes up a different topic, such as the nature of divine forgiveness, the basis for forgiving our enemies, and the limits of forgiveness. In some chapters, the views of different philosophers and theologians are explored, figures such as St. John Climacus, Bonaventure, and Nietzsche. In other chapters, the concept of forgiveness is analyzed in light of historical events, such as the Nickel Mines shooting, the Charleston shooting, and the Armenian genocide. The contributors to the volume come from different backgrounds, including philosophy, theology, and psychology. The essays are written for scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and theology, as well as graduate students and upper-division undergraduate students.
Introduction Christian Perspectives on Forgiveness
Gregory L. Bock
Chapter 1 Divine Forgiveness and Legal Pardon
William Lane Craig
Chapter 2 Divine Forgiveness for Wronging Others
John McClellan
Chapter 3 Jesus’ Presentation of God’s Love and Forgiveness in the Three “Lost” Parables
Melissa Chia-Mei Tan
Chapter 4 Why Forgiving the Unrepentant is Not Demeaning or Insulting: A Reply to Wolterstorff
David E. Wright
Chapter 5 Forgiveness, Hope, and Loving Our Enemies
Joshue Orozco
Chapter 6 Nussbaum on Forgiveness: An Armenian-Christian Response
Chad Bogosian
Chapter 7 The Power of Loving One’s Enemies: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Philosophy of Forgiveness
William J. Devlin
Chapter 8 "I Forgive You": A Pragmatic View of Afro-Christianity and Forgiveness
Richard Thomas
Chapter 9 What If I Can’t Forgive? The Limits of Forgiveness
J. Michael Cervantez
Chapter 10 Radical Forgiveness, Virtue, and the Development of the Moral Self
Kathleen Poorman Dougherty
Chapter 11 How is Forgiveness Possible? Toward an Orthodox and Ascetic Answer
Dylan Pahman
Chapter 12 Vicarious Forgiveness
R.T. Allen
Chapter 13 Euporia: On Sorrow, Forgiveness and the Very Idea of the Unforgivable
Raymond Aaron Younis
Chapter 14 Christian Formation in Humility, Forgiveness, and Justice: What Psychology Can Say to Philosophy and Theology
Everett L. Worthington, Jr.
Gregory L. Bock is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion at The University of Texas at Tyler and Director of UT Tyler’s Center for Ethics. He is also Program Director of the Philosophy, Religion, and Asian Studies programs. He earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Tennessee in 2012, studying bioethics. His current research is in the ethics of forgiveness, and he is particularly interested in the connection between love and forgiveness.
Forgiveness, Christianity, comparative religion, pardon, resentment, apology, justice, mercy, peace, reconciliation, atonement
Bibliographic Information
Book Title
The Philosophy of Forgiveness – Volume IV
Book Subtitle
Christian Perspectives on Forgiveness
Number of pages