Towards a science of ideas: An inquiry into the emergence, evolution and expansion of ideas and their translation into action
Guido Enthoven, Seweryn Rudnicki, Rico Sneller (Eds.)
by Łukasz Jonak (Digital Economy Lab of University of Warsaw, Poland), Guido Enthoven (Institute for Social Innovation, Netherlands), Gianluigi Segalerba (University of Vienna, Austria), Kathrin Bouvot (University of Vienna, Austria), Tatjana Kochetkova (O. P. Jindal Global University, New Delhi, India), Han van der Meer (Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands), Willemijn Brouwer (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands), Jacek Gądecki (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland), Piotr Prokopowicz (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Alexandre Zaslavsky (Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR), Brazil; journal 'Interparadigmas'), Łukasz Afeltowicz (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland), Raoul Jorissen (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), Laurens Landeweerd (Radboud University’s Institute for Science in Society, Netherlands; HogeSchool Zuyd’s Faculty of Art, Netherlands), Johan Olaisen (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway), Birgit Jevnaker (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway), Rudi Holzhauer (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands; District Court in The Hague, Netherlands), Sander Gellaerts (Leiden University, Netherlands; Virtual company SanderTeg), Jurgen van der Heijden (GovernEUR; Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), Jos Kessels , Han Bakker (Bureau DenkWerk; Yew Magazeeen), Rico Sneller (Jungian Institute & Mandeville Academy, Netherlands)
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Sometimes books provide sheer joy. 'Towards a science of ideas' is one of them. If your mind is still young, you will enjoy it as more than an experience, maybe even as a revelation.
Dr. Roel in 't Veld
Professor of Governance and Sustainability
University of Tilburg, Netherlands
Ideas are the basic building blocks that construct the world we live in. Yet despite the abundance of literature on creativity and innovation, there has been little reflection on ideas as such, their nature and their working mechanisms. This book provides foundations for a reflection focused specifically on ideas - what they are, how they emerge, develop, interact, gain acceptance and become translated into actions. In doing so the book moves beyond the mainstream approaches, offering new, promising theoretical angles, presenting original findings and initiating a research agenda for a science of ideas. This book provides a fresh perspective on how to conceptualize and study ideas and their working mechanisms by treating ideas as the main object of the study and by bringing together a group of original thinkers, scholars, and philosophers to move beyond the mainstream academic discourse on creativity and innovation.
List of figures and tables
Rico Sneller
Jungian Institute & Mandeville Academy, Netherlands
Guido Enthoven
Institute for Social Innovation, Netherlands
Seweryn Rudnicki
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Chapter 1 Towards a science of ideas
Guido Enthoven
Institute for Social Innovation, Netherlands
Chapter 2 What is an idea? Between synchronicity and opacity
Rico Sneller
Jungian Institute & Mandeville Academy, Netherlands
Chapter 3 Aspects of ideas
Kathrin Bouvot
University of Vienna, Austria
Gianluigi Segalerba
Working group for cultural analysis, University of Vienna, Austria
Chapter 4 The impact of ideas on bodily processes. Lessons from mantra techniques
Tatjana Kochetkova
O. P. Jindal Global University, New Delhi, India
Chapter 5 What are ideas made of? On ideas as socio-material, relational and dynamic beings
Seweryn Rudnicki
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Chapter 6 A short history of deliberate creativity
Han van der Meer
Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Willemijn Brouwer
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Chapter 7 Where are ideas created? From creative spaces to landscapes of creation
Jacek Gądecki
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Chapter 8 Cultures and innovations: How cultural factors affect the emergence of ideas
Seweryn Rudnicki
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Piotr Prokopowicz
Jagiellonian University, Poland
Chapter 9 Towards a parapsychic generation of ideas
Alexandre Zaslavsky
Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR), Brazil; journal Interparadigmas
Chapter 10 Ideas as interactors and replicators
Łukasz Jonak
Digital Economy Lab, University of Warsaw, Poland
Chapter 11
Idea creation in a post-pandemic world
Łukasz Afeltowicz
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Chapter 12 Ideas in science and art: Creativity and imagination
Laurens Landeweerd
Radboud University’s Institute for Science in Society, Netherlands; HogeSchool Zuyd’s Faculty of Art, Netherlands
Chapter 13 Travelling leadership ideas as a business virus infection
Birgit Helene Jevnaker
BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Johan Olaisen
BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Chapter 14 Ideas and the Law
Rudi Holzhauer
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands; Of counsel TLG lawyers Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sander Gellaerts
Leiden University, Netherlands; Virtual company SanderTeg
Chapter 15 New materialism and climate change adaptation
Jurgen van der Heijden
GovernEUR; Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Chapter 16 How do ideas change the world? Patterns in social innovation
Guido Enthoven
Institute for Social Innovation, Netherlands
Chapter 17 Plato’s hunt for an idea: Socratic dialogue and idea-formation
Jos Kessels
Independent Scholar
Conclusion: Next steps for a science of ideas
Seweryn Rudnicki
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Han Bakker
Bureau DenkWerk; Yew Magazeeen
Guido Enthoven
Institute for Social Innovation, Netherlands
Rico Sneller
Jungian Institute & Mandeville Academy, Netherlands
Raoul Jorissen
Rotterdam School of Management,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Name index
Subject index
Guido Enthoven graduated in Law at the University of Leiden. His PhD was an investigation on information between government and parliament (University of Tilburg, 2011). He is the author of around 100 articles about interaction, innovation, democracy and information published in journals, magazines and newspapers. Guido Enthoven co-founded the National Ideas Line in 1991 and shortly thereafter founded the Institute for Social Innovation (IMI). As the director of IMI, he advises dozens of ministries and municipalities on dialogues, participation and innovation. At IFKAD 2018, he held a keynote ‘Towards a Science of Ideas’ and he wrote a Dutch historical novel on the topic.
Seweryn Rudnicki (AGH University of Science and Technology) is an assistant professor in sociology and a co-founder and partner at Hearts & Heads, a creativity and innovation consultancy. His main academic interests are related to the use of social scientific knowledge in different areas of practice, design and creativity studies.
Rico Sneller is a lecturer of philosophy at the Mandeville Academy and the Jungian Institute. Previously, he taught continental philosophy and ethics at the Leiden Faculty of Humanities, Institutes for Philosophy & Religious Studies, and the Technical University of Eindhoven. He is the Vice President of the global think tank and network organisation, Alternative Perspectives & Global Concerns (AP-GC), and responsible for strategic planning and policy-making for the network as a whole. He is active on various boards, both nationally and internationally. His current research focuses on exceptional states of consciousness in relation to philosophy. Among others, he published 'Perspectives on Synchronicity, Inspiration, and the Soul' (Cambridge Scholars 2021) and 'Wild Beasts of the Philosophical Desert. Philosophers on Telepathy and Other Exceptional Experiences' (Cambridge Scholars 2014, with Hans Gerding and Hein van Dongen). Together with Mahmoud Masaeli (Ottawa University), he edited a series of books on global ethics, development, and spirituality.
Creative problem solving, brainstorming, ideation, ideology, ideonomy, theory of ideas, TRIZ, intellectual property, Altshuller, Osborn, Harrari
Series in Philosophy
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Book Title
Towards a science of ideas: An inquiry into the emergence, evolution and expansion of ideas and their translation into action
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