20 May
Calls for proposals
Philosophy: We are inviting chapter proposals for a forthcoming book on the Philosophy of Forgiveness, edited by Dr. Court D. Lewis (Owensboro Community & Technical College). Details on the Call can be found here.
13 Nov
29 May
New series launched: Vernon Series on Sociology and Vernon Series on the History of Art.
We a
15 Feb
20 Sep
Forthcoming Title: The Knowledge Plexus by George Chorafakis
This book is a collection of 5 essays on the economic geography of technological knowledge.
Their common threads are: (i) the quest for a new paradigm in economic geography, termed ‘systemic’, as an alternative to the neoclassical, based on the epistemological premise of emergence and the theories of evolution and complexity; and (ii) the intent to explain the process of technological knowledge production as a systemic phenomenon occurring in relational space subject to emergence and co-evolutionary dynamics.
In this theoretical framework, the author analyses various European knowledge networks, and examines their effects on the production of technological knowledge as sources of relational cognitive capital and economies of complexity.
He then poses a number of questions on the direction and instrumentalities of the European research, technological development and innovation policies, and in particular on the issues of cohesion and dynamic efficiency of the European research system.