04 Oct
New Title: Spiritualities, Ethics, and Implications of Human Enhancement and Artificial Intelligence by Christopher Hrynkow (ed.)
Taking a religiously and spiritually literate approach to the ethical issue at hand, Spiritualities, Ethics, and Implications of Human Enhancement and Artificial Intelligence provides fascinating insight into several emerging issues for human identity and personhood beyond the human, as technology advances in the areas of human enhancement and artificial intelligence (AI). This volume will be of great relevance to university students and researchers interested in issues surrounding spiritualities, human enhancement, and artificial intelligence; while also providing points for reflection for the wider public as these topics become increasingly important to our common future.
01 Oct
Vernon Press launches new collaboration with RNIB
We are pleased to announce a new collaboration with RNIB to make our books available upon request to print-disabled readers and learners at all educational levels.
25 Jun
New Release: Political Corruption in a World in Transition
Mendilow and Phélippeau’s new book argues that the mainstream definitions of corruption and the key expectations they embed concerning the relationship between corruption, democracy, and the process of democratisation require re-examination.
13 Jun
Francesco Tonucci given UNICEF award
Francesco Tonucci, one of Vernon Press's authors, has been honored in the UNICEF Spanish Committee Awards 2019.
31 May
New Title: The Picturesque, The Sublime, The Beautiful: Visual Artistry in the Works of Charlotte Smith (1749-1806)
An informative and entertaining research study which provides innovative readings of eighteenth-century artistry. The scholarship is robust and rigorous with detailed interpretations of the art of George Romney and James Northcote amongst others.
"Stephen Ward"
The Picturesque, The Sublime, The Beautiful: Visual Artistry in the Works of Charlotte Smith considers the relationships between British Romantic-era novelist, poet and writer of educational works for children, Charlotte Smith (1749-1806), and a number of visual artists of the eighteenth century with whom she had connections. By exploring these associations with artists such as George Smith of Chichester, George Romney, James Northcote, John Raphael Smith and Emma Smith, the book demonstrates how the artwork of these individual artists influenced Charlotte Smith’s literary corpus.