Emotional intelligence: Does it really matter?

A guide to coping with stressful experiences

by Phillip Walden Bowen

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Bowen wisely and aspiringly portrays the development of emotional intelligence as a field of study and its relevance to individual differences and related psychological constructs, such as stress, emotion, coping, well-being and cognitive intelligence. The book briefly depicts the different paradigms of emotional intelligence (i.e., Ability, Mixed and Trait approaches) while discussing on the agreements, disagreements, limitations and future perspectives in the field, which can be summarised by the question announced in the title. Also, the book provides useful advice for training and development of emotional intelligence through several practical means.

Pablo A. Pérez-Díaz
University College London

Dr.Bowen assumes that emotional intelligence does exist.
He does explain that a substantial number of studies have been undertaken over the last 25/30 years, that emotional intelligence can be measured and is therefore in existence.
The book is helpful to those interested in the areas of research associated with emotional intelligence and stress management.
It would also be of interest to those in or entering into the realm of higher education as it brings to the surface interactions of emotions within academic walls.

Joseph Clark
Retired professional psychotherapist

What really is emotional intelligence? This book, aimed primarily at the university academic and those working and/or studying in higher education, seeks to help readers understand the term and the role emotional intelligence plays in education and business. It clearly identifies and critiques the three main models: the ability model (Salovey and Mayer), the mixed Model (Goleman, Bar-On) and the trait model (Petrides and Furnham). It discusses eustress, distress and chronic stress, reflecting on the effects negative types of stress can have on the human body, demonstrating how the modern workplace can lead to burnout. It emphasizes the importance of a healthy work/life balance while acknowledging the demands and pressures placed on organisations to compete within the global marketplace.

It also explores how one may understand and process emotions, considering terms such as “learned optimism” and “learned helplessness”. Room for discussion is also given to the influence of bullying and harassment in the workplace and types of therapy that are presently available. It discusses strategies for coping with challenging experiences, providing anecdotes and case studies from university academics. It also considers how personality relates to emotional intelligence and how people cope with challenging experiences. The book delves into the term “intelligence”, showing how theories surrounding the concept have developed over the twentieth century; and it elucidates the link between emotional intelligence and wellbeing. The author discusses the effect stress can have on human telomeres (thus shortening lifespan) and sheds light on the darker sides of human nature, such as the so-called “dark triad” personality traits (psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellian behaviour).

Overall, the book is dedicated to the vital question: “Emotional intelligence: does it really matter?”

List of tables

List of diagrams




Chapter 1 Emotional intelligence

Chapter 2 Stress

Chapter 3 Understanding and processing emotions

Chapter 4 Coping

Chapter 5 Personality and individual differences

Chapter 6 Intelligence and groups

Chapter 7 Emotional intelligence and well-being

Chapter 8 Training and development

Chapter 9 Emotional intelligence: Does it really matter?



Phil W. Bowen holds a PhD in emotional intelligence and has built a career working for local government and laterally as a university lecturer in human resource management and organisational behaviour. He continues to write academic journal articles and presents at conferences. He is a passionate lifelong learner and is fascinated by organisational/individual behaviour and how emotional intelligence can help improve the way people cope with work/life challenging experiences and demands. He lives in the UK with his wife.

Emotional intelligence, Stress, Emotions, Stress management, coping, coping strategies, personality, individual differences, intelligence, IQ, EQ, social intelligence, group intelligence, well-being, dark triad, mind and body, telomeres, creativity, Group emotional intelligence, groupthink, group think, group stress, psychological strain, group psychological strain, mindfulness, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills, Goleman, Salovey and Mayer, Petrides, Petrides and Furnham, Rationalism, dualistic, cartesian, Descartes, Aquinas, Ekman, Izard, feelings, moods, social interaction

See also

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Emotional intelligence: Does it really matter?

Book Subtitle

A guide to coping with stressful experiences





Number of pages


Physical size

236mm x 160mm

Publication date

September 2019