Premodern Monsters: A Varied Compilation of Pre-modern Judeo-Christian and Japanese Buddhist Monstrous Discourses
Allan Wright (Ed.)
by Heather Macumber (University of Providence), Gregory E. Lamb (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary), Allan E.C. Wright (University of Alberta), Helena L. Martin (Yale University), Dunja Jelesijevic (Northern Arizona University), Laura Nuffer (Colby College), Kevin Bond (University of Regina)
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Monster Studies is a rising academic topic. Despite hesitancy at first, the subject is now examined by scholars of various academic interests and backgrounds. However, the dominant monster investigations are from the post-1900s. This volume focuses on Premodern monsters. The purpose of this volume is to examine various monsters from diverse cultures in order to indicate how each monstrous discourse derives from their mythology’s socio-cultural context.
The volume examines several Monsters within their socio-cultural matrix. This includes a variety of monstrosities from diverse cultures and periods. Namely, the examined creatures, or perceived creatures, stem from the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament (Pauline epistles), Reformation England, the Japanese Noh play Dōjōji, Yamauba Myths, and Yōkai Relics from early modern Japanese Buddhism.
Allan E.C. Wright
University of Alberta
Chapter 1 Disappointing Dragons: The Powerless Monster of the Hebrew Bible
Heather Macumber
University of Providence
Chapter 2 Becoming “Monsters”? Paul’s use of Dehumanizing Terms as Boundary Markers in Philippians
Gregory E. Lamb
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Chapter 3 Manufacturing the Monstrous (Heretic): The Constructed Judgement of Nestorius
Allan E.C. Wright
University of Alberta
Chapter 4 Strange News: Monstrous Births and Popular Prints in Reformation England
Helena L. Martin
Yale University
Chapter 5 The Serpent Dancer: Multiple Identities and Competing Rituals in Noh Play Dōjōji
Dunja Jelesijevic
Northern Arizona University
Chapter 6 The Old Woman and the Mountains: Recentering the Monstrous in Japanese Yamauba Tales
Laura Nuffer
Colby College
Chapter 7 Enlightening Monsters: Collecting and Displaying Yōkai Relics in Early Modern Japanese Buddhism
Kevin Bond
University of Regina
Dr. Allan Wright is a Lecturer at the University of Alberta. His research subjects and interests include Religious Theory, The New Testament, The Gospel of Mark, Cultural Monster Studies, Devils and Demonologies, and New Religious Movements. He is the author of '‘Better To Reign In Hell, Than Serve in Heaven:’ Satan’s Metamorphasis From a Heavenly Council Member to the Ruler of Pandaemonium'.
Monsters, Monster Theory, The Hebrew Bible, Dragons, the New Testament, Paul’s Letters, Pauline epistles, Reformation England, Monstrous Births, Noh play Dojoji, Yamauba Myths, Yokai Relics
Series in Anthropology
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Premodern Monsters: A Varied Compilation of Pre-modern Judeo-Christian and Japanese Buddhist Monstrous Discourses
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