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The evolution of speech is the evolution of thought, and the evolution of thought affects many cultural activities, including art. This book conveys all this perfectly well.
Prof. Dr. Nurseren Tor
Mersin University, Turkey
Eye-opening and inspiring work that fills a missing area in communication sciences.
Assoc. Prof Burçe Akcan
Baskent University, Turkey
The evolution of the functionality of speech in the context of historical examples is explained strikingly.
Associate Professor Dr Nalan Ova
Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey
Throughout history, speech has been forbidden or at least restricted to the laboring classes. Enslaved people laboring in ancient Egypt or working on Latin American plantations were forbidden to speak during work. In the early period of nation-states, the language of many peoples was forbidden because of the sovereignty of the lingua franca. Censorship has taken various forms in the history of all states. Talk amongst the laboring classes could lead to revolt and revolution; for this reason, speech was restricted during the harshest periods of labor. However, speech could be commercialized and reproduced in a society where all individuals were atomized entirely and isolated, in an environment where meaning was almost lost. In short, speech was supervised and controlled for the oppressed until the second half of the 20th century. However, especially in the postmodern period, speech has been supported at every point and subjected to significant inflation as if it were detached from meaningfulness. The pressures previously placed on the speech of workers and marginalized groups have suddenly diminished; speech everywhere has been commercialized and reproduced. This book analyses the causes of this evolution.
Chapter 1 The Conversation is Born
Chapter 2 Power Based on Speech
Chapter 3 The Conversation is Locked Down
Chapter 4 Prison Becomes Wallness
Chapter 5 Self-Censorship: Human is Being Doomed to Remain Silent as They Become Civilized
Chapter 6 The Evolution of the Speech into a Counter-Revolutionary Structure
The Last Word
Dr Kazım Tolga Gürel is an activist writer with ten books and over thirty academic articles in Turkey. His fields of study range over LGBT+, precarization, hegemony, other studies, political science, game concepts, and cinema. The author, whose book 'An Anatolian Communist Tailor Fikri' is in its second edition, has also focused on disaster studies. Due to political pressures in Turkey, the author, who is not affiliated with any universities, continues to work as a precariat in various jobs that he sees as "social science laboratories" and continues to write in libraries at night. Some of his articles and book titles are 'News, Street and "Transvestite". The Presentation of Trans People in the Turkish Press' (2023), Paradigma Akademi Publisher; 'Why Asian Countries Should Democratise: A Comparison With Western Countries' (2023), Hars Academy Journal; 'DAY 3 An Autoethnography Essay from Inside the Disaster' (2023), Dorlion Publications; 'Third World Puppets' (2011), Nüve Publisher; 'King and Pawn' (2022), Paradigma Akademi Yayınları; "The Future Form of Democracy" (2010), 'Mediating Democracy in Africa', Accra, Ghana; "Art as a Means of Propaganda: Accounting for a Hierarchical Set" (2009), 'Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies; and Thinker Man's Execution', Ankara Eyfel Publisher.
Speech, communication, politics, censorship, ideology, hegemony, neo-liberal changes in socety, The history of communication
Language and Linguistics
Communication and Journalism
Series in Communication
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The History of Domestication of Speech
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