Lessons from Regional Responses to Security, Health and Environmental Challenges in Latin America
Ivo Ganchev (Ed.)
by Rafael Enrique Piñeros Ayala (Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia), Alla Yurievna Borzova (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russia), Camila de Macedo Braga (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Dircea Arroyo Buganza (Universidad Anáhuac México, México), Alina Gamboa Combs (Universidad Anáhuac México, México), Ivo Ganchev (Founder of the Centre for Regional Integration, UK), Tatiana de Souza Leite Garcia (University of São Paulo and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Brazil), Miguel Gomis (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia), Victor Jeifets (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia), Kseniya Konovalova (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia), Fernand Guevara Mekongo Mballa (Centre for Regional Integration), Alfonso Sánchez Mugica (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico), Ignacio Medina Núñez (El Colegio de Jalisco, México), Daniel Morales Ruvalcaba (Sun Yat-sen University, China), Octavio M. González Segovia (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico), Rafael A. Duarte Villa (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
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Regionalism in Latin America continues to form an elusive and changing reality. When it comes to addressing social challenges, the potential of regional integration is far from being reached. The excellent and innovative set of studies in this book sheds light on this topic and serves as an important contribution to the literature.
Prof. José Antonio Sanahuja
Complutense University, Spain
The COVID-19 pandemic brought to the surface vulnerabilities in health systems across Latin America. As the pandemic subsided, deep-seated violence and delayed responses to the preservation of environmental ecosystems resurfaced as part of a crucial challenge in the region. The timely analysis of the chapters in this volume is a reminder of the urgency of regional responses to three different interrelated crises that Latin American states struggle to address. The book will become an essential reading for analyzing Latin American regionalism.
Prof. Roberto Domínguez
Suffolk University
Despite recent turbulence in the international system and Latin American integration, the pandemic increased the need for robust coordination mechanisms at the regional level. This book is a timely contribution toward understanding the novel challenges that Latin America is facing in the post-pandemic world order. The book explores regional solutions to enduring problems in the areas of health, security, and environmental protection, anchoring this vast subject matter into critically grounded research.
Dr. Devika Misra
O. P. Jindal Global University, India
Latin America is perhaps the best example of how developing countries can manage regional affairs in a world dominated by superpowers. The chapters in the book are indeed monumental, and the variety of topics covered is very impressive. This edited volume is not just an interesting read but an essential compilation of works for anyone who wants to call oneself an expert in Latin America.
Dr. Arkadiy Eremin
Webster University
With scholarly rigour, this excellent volume adeptly examines Latin America's collective responses to diverse challenges emerging during the COVID-19 crisis in agendas sometimes unattended by the literature on regionalism. Representing a significant contribution to the debate, it arrives at a timely juncture, engaging scholars, policymakers, and students of regional governance from the region and beyond.
Dr. Melisa Deciancio
Latin American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO) Argentina
[...] the volume examines a diverse range of pressing issues across Latin America from the COVID-19 pandemic onwards, and will be worthwhile reading for anyone interested in Latin America, regionalism (in terms of international institutions) or in one of its three specific agendas (security, health and environment).
[Extract from book review on 'LSE Reviews of Books', May 16th, 2024. Reviewer: Tainá Siman (Freie Universität Berlin)]
What is the role of regional organizations in maintaining security across different parts of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)? How did COVID-19 impact states in the region and what types of collective action have helped respond to public health emergencies? In what way is LAC environmental policy formulated and what broader lessons can be drawn for the Global South? This edited volume addresses these questions, revealing the reasons behind the successes and failures of LAC regional responses to collective challenges as well as their limitations and potential for future improvement. It contains 11 chapters, authored by 16 authoritative academics who employ methodologically-diverse perspectives. Each chapter provides insights that would be of interest to scholars, students and policy-makers working on the regional governance of LAC and the Global South. The contributions are thematically organised in three parts and produced with pragmatic considerations in mind, discussing existing and potential real solutions to pressing issues.
List of tables
List of figures
Ivo Ganchev
Founder of the Centre for Regional Integration, UK
Notes on contributors
Ivo Ganchev
Founder of the Centre for Regional Integration, UK
Chapter 1
Responses of Latin American organizations to coup attempts: Power play between political ideologies in post-hegemonic regionalism
Ivo Ganchev
Founder of the Centre for Regional Integration, UK
Chapter 2
The impact of deglobalization on the security agenda of contemporary Latin American regionalism
Kseniya Konovalova
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
Victor Jeifets
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
Chapter 3
Security governance in the Andean borderlands: Hybrid formations and the rising armed violence
Rafael A. Duarte Villa
University of São Paulo, Brazil
Camila de Macedo Braga
University of São Paulo, Brazil
Rafael Enrique Piñeros Ayala
Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia
Chapter 4
Lessons from forced partnerships: The Alliance for the Prosperity of the Northern Triangle (2015–2020)
Miguel Gomis
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Chapter 5
Institutional factors influencing the success of Latin American organizations confronting epidemics
Octavio González Segovia
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Alfonso Sánchez Mugica
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Chapter 6
The impact of COVID-19 on the national power of Latin American countries
Daniel Morales Ruvalcaba
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Chapter 7
Regional integration and presidential elections in Latin America in the context of COVID-19
Ignacio Medina Núñez
El Colegio de Jalisco, México
Chapter 8
Interactions of Brazil, Peru, PAHO and ACTO in overcoming the effects of COVID-19
Alla Yurievna Borzova
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russia
Chapter 9
MERCOSUR’s environmental policy: Institutional evolution and limitations
Tatiana de Souza Leite Garcia
University of São Paulo and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Brazil
Chapter 10
Regional environmental efforts in Mesoamerica: Achievements and modes of cooperation
Alina Gamboa Combs
Universidad Anáhuac México, México
Dircea Arroyo Buganza
Universidad Anáhuac México, México
Chapter 11
Lessons from the Escazú Agreement for environmental and human rights protection in Africa
Fernand Guevara Mekongo Mballa
Centre for Regional Integration, Cameroon
Dr. Ivo Ganchev is the Founding Director of the Centre for Regional Integration. He has previously taught at several universities, including Queen Mary University of London and Beijing Foreign Studies University. His publications have examined various political shifts in the Global South, such as the rise of the Pink Tide in Latin America. They have appeared in influential academic journals, including 'World Affairs', 'Strategic Analysis' and 'International Studies'. Ivo holds Worldwide Recognised Tutor Status from the University of London as well as a PhD from Peking University, an MSc from the London School of Economics, and a BA from Newcastle University. Outside of academia, Ivo has served as a Global Partner and a Fortune 500 consultant at a boutique advisory firm and as a guitarist and vocalist in several rock bands. He speaks English, Bulgarian, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.
Latin America, regionalism, Regional integration, regional organizations,International organizations, integration, cooperation, security, Non-traditional security, health, Public health, environment, Environmental protection, Climate change, governance, challenges, COVID-19, comparative politics, governance, lessons, policy
Political Science and International Relations
Series in Politics
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Lessons from Regional Responses to Security, Health and Environmental Challenges in Latin America
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