Edward Bond: Bondian Drama and Young Audience

Ugur Ada (Ed.)

by Chien-Cheng Chen (Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan), Cüneyt Özata (Ordu University, Türkiye), Gamze Sentürk (Munzur University, Türkiye), Kadriye Bozkurt (Manisa Celal Bayar University, Türkiye), Kağan Kaya (Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Türkiye), Kate Katafiasz , Nevin Gürbüz-Blaich (Heidelberg University, Germany), Abir Al-Laham (Heidelberg University, Germany), Selina Busby (The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama), Susana Nicolás Román (University of Almeria, Spain), Ugur Ada (Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Türkiye)

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The book upholds the importance of theatre for young audiences in today's world, pointing specifically to Edward Bond's latest plays, primarily written for young people, starting in the 1990s. Various studies conducted by researchers from different countries highlight the political, social, and cultural history of theatre for children and its aesthetic and educational functions. The diversity of researchers underscores the glowing international appraisals of Edward Bond's plays, which have been translated into different languages and performed worldwide. The study's section on Bond’s theoretical background analyzes the theatrical concepts applied by the experienced playwright over the course of his prolific writing career. Implications based on Bondian Drama provide researchers, performers, theatre companies, and audiences with new insights.

Prof. Dr. Juan de Dios Torralbo Caballero
Department of English and German Studies
University of Córdoba, Spain

'Edward Bond: Bondian Drama and Young Audience' focuses on one of the most influential playwrights of Britain, Edward Bond, and his plays for young audiences. The chapters examine the theatrical and pedagogical prospects of the plays on young people which have been mostly staged since 1990s, throughout the globe.
The issues covered in this book involve interdisciplinary studies such as theatre, pedagogy, ethics, children, culture, politics, among others. These topics have crucial importance for the production of plays for young audiences. Apart from this, the book focuses on Bondian Drama and its relation with the dramatic child, involving most of his plays for young audiences. The authors in this volume examine theatrical and pedagogical backgrounds of the plays, discussing critical issues, by questioning the specialities of Bondian drama and present future implications of this for ... young audiences. This volume presents substantial and elaborate information on crucial issues, and enable detailed discussions from various perspectives on theatre.  Show more


Five Challenges – Five Personal Responses to Bond Plays
Tony Coult
Playwright and arts journalist

Author’s Note
Edward Bond

Chapter 1
Pedagogy of Alterity: Edward Bond’s TIE Plays and Dramaturgy of the Invisible Object
Chien-Cheng Chen
Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan

Chapter 2
Bond’s Psychological Drama: Neurosis in The Children
Cüneyt Özata
Ordu University, Tü... rkiye

Chapter 3
Family, Child and ‘A Journey into the Psyche’ in Edward Bond’s The Angry Roads
Gamze Sentürk
Munzur University, Türkiye

Chapter 4
Edward Bond’s Theatre and His Educational Play, A Window
Kadriye Bozkurt
Manisa Celal Bayar University, Türkiye

Chapter 5
Edward Bond’s Theatre of Desire: Dea, A New Madhouse Tragedy
Kağan Kaya
Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Türkiye

Chapter 6
Embracing Strangeness: Edward Bond’s ‘Triple Brain’ of Drama
Kate Katafiasz
Independent Scholar

Chapter 7
Exploring Space and Education in Edward Bond’s Lear and At The Inland Sea
Nevin Gürbüz-Blaich
Heidelberg University, Germany
Abir Al-Laham
Heidelberg University, Germany

Chapter 8
Finding Utopia in Edward Bond’s Plays for Young People, or: ‘You Have to Learn to be on Your Own’ (The Children, Bond, 2000b)
Selina Busby
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Chapter 9
Transcending Vulnerability and Resilience: Bondian Female Youth in the Big Brum Plays
Susana Nicolás Román
University of Almeria, Spain

Chapter 10
‘To Be or Not To Be at Home’: Humanness in the Dual World of Tune
Uğur Ada
Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Türkiye

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Uğur ADA is working as Assistant Professor Doctor at Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University in Türkiye. He is currently the head of the Foreign Languages Teaching Department. His research areas are Contemporary British Theatre, Applied Theatre/Drama, In-Yer-Face Theatre, Theatre in Education, and Theatre about/for/by/with Young People. Recent publications include 'Eğitimde Tiyatro/Theatre in Education (TiE)' (2021, PegemAkademi), 'Publications in the Field of Theatre: Bibliometric Analysis of International Theatre Studies' (2022), '“What Will It Be Next?”: The Process of ‘Dramatic Child’ in Edward Bon... d’s Eleven Vest' (2022), 'The Representation of Time through Female Characters in Edward Bond’s Play, At The Inland Sea' (2020).  Show more

Contemporary British Theatre, Drama, Edward Bond, Bondian Drama, Young Audience, Theatre for Children, Theatre in Education

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Edward Bond: Bondian Drama and Young Audience





Number of pages


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Publication date

September 2023