Political Messaging in Music and Entertainment Spaces across the Globe. Volume 2.
Uche Onyebadi (Ed.)
by Dorothy M. Bland (University of North Texas), Marquita S. Smith (University of Mississippi), Ann White-Taylor (University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff), Kevin Barker (Kingston University), Dagim A. Mekonnen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium), Zenebe Beyene (University of Mississippi), Ngozi Akinro (Texas Wesleyan University), Jenny J. Dean (Texas Wesleyan University), Elena M. De Costa (Carroll University), Muhammad Farooq (Kent State University), Yavuz Yildirim (Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Turkey), Mehmet Atilla Guler (Adnan Menderes University, Turkey), Wendy Wing Lam Chan (The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong), Faith Bahela (National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe), Terna Paise Agba (Federal University of Kashere, Gombe, Nigeria), Lyombe Eko (Texas Tech University, USA)
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Professor Uche Onyebadi’s “Political Messaging in Music and Entertainment Spaces across the Globe” is an encyclopedia of comprehensively researched, expertly written, and well-evidenced chapters on the contribution of music and entertainment to political activism, discourse, and research globally. It is a collection of works that makes two significant contributions to the political communication literature. First, it highlights the importance of focusing questions on modalities of political expression erstwhile relegated to the margins of historical political communication inquiry. Second, it reifies the works of authors who interrogate areas of the globe often considered the periphery of political spaces and, therefore, unworthy of producing knowledge that enriches mainstream research.
[…] the sheer breath of its coverage suggests this book is very clearly the most far- reaching discourse on this important topic to date. Thus, it is an invaluable source of reference for students, analysts, researchers, teachers of political messaging across a wide variety of social science disciplines, including but not limited to communication, political science, and sociology.
Dr. Osabuohien Amienyi
Emeritus Professor and former Chair, Department of Radio-TV
Arkansas State University
'Political Messaging in Music and Entertainment Spaces across the Globe' uniquely expands the frontiers of political communication by simultaneously focusing on content (political messaging) and platform (music and entertainment). As a compendium of valuable research work, it provides rich insights into the construction of political messages and their dissemination outside of the traditional and mainstream structural, process and behavioral research focus in the discipline. Researchers, teachers, students and other interested parties in political communication, political science, journalism and mass communication, sociology, music, languages, linguistics and the performing arts, communication studies, law and history, will find this book refreshingly handy in their inquiry. Furthermore, this book was conceptualized from a globalist purview and offers readers practical insights into how political messaging through music and entertainment spaces actually work across nation-states, regions and continents. Its authenticity is also further enhanced by the fact that most chapter contributors are scholars who are natives of their areas of study, and who painstakingly situate their work in appropriate historical contexts.
Lyombe Eko
Texas Tech University, USA
Uche Onyebadi
Texas Christian University, USA
Stirring up “Good Trouble:” Black songs of protest and activism in 21st century U.S.
Dorothy M. Bland
Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism, University of North Texas, USA
Marquita S. Smith
School of Journalism and New Media, University of Mississippi, USA
Speaking for the “Other:” Reinforcing the Jezebel stereotype in Alexander McCall Smith’s No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency
Ann White-Taylor
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, USA
Human rights and redemptive-corrective justice in Bob Marley’s music
Kevin Barker
Kingston University, UK
Framing contesting Nationalisms, Resistance, and Triumph in Ethiopian popular music
Dagim A. Mekonnen
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Zenebe Beyene
University of Mississippi, USA
Interpreting Feminism through sounds of resilience in the U.S.: An analytical approach to music from the 19th to the 21st centuries
Ngozi Akinro
Texas Wesleyan University, USA
Jenny J. Dean
Texas Wesleyan University, USA
Broadcasting populism: An examination of Venezuelan Community TV and participatory democracy
Elena M. De Costa
Carroll University, USA
Music and violence: The complexity and complicity of Pashto “Songs of Terror”
Muhammad Farooq
Kent State University, USA
Syed Irfan Ashraf
University of Peshawar, Pakistan
Political messaging in the Anatolian-Pop: How has this music genre transformed Turkey’s socio-political landscape?
Yavuz Yildirim
Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Turkey
Mehmet Atilla Guler
Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
Praise songs amidst political chaos: Assessing the impact of “Hope Your Justice Will Arrive” on Hong Kong’s 2019 Social Movement
Wendy Wing Lam Chan
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, China
From political stump to messaging through music: A study of Madzore’s political songs in Zimbabwe
Faith Bahela
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Political songs, advertising, and development messaging: An assessment of music in promoting socio-economic growth in Tiv society (Nigeria)
Terna Paise Agba
Federal University of Kashere, Gombe, Nigeria
Uche Onyebadi is a Professor and Chair of the Journalism Department in the Bob Schieffer College of Communication, Texas Christian University. He also served as the Director of the School of Journalism, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL (2014-2016). He holds a doctoral degree in journalism, with specialization in political communication, from the University of Missouri, Columbia-Missouri, USA., and his research interests focus on political communication, media and politics, mass communication theory, media ethics, and international communication. His articles have appeared in communication journals such as the Journal of Mass Media Ethics; the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media; International Communication Gazette; Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism; Media, War & Conflict; International Communication Research Journal; International Journal of Communication; Journal of International and Intercultural Communication; the Journal of Social Media in Society; and Humanities. Dr. Onyebadi is the Editor of 'Music as a Platform for Political Communication' (2017), 'Music and Messaging in the African Political Arena' (2019) and 'Multidisciplinary Issues Surrounding African Diasporas' (2020).
His professional experience includes working as a journalist in Nigeria, in sports management and sport commentary on television in Kenya, as a Fulbright Specialist at BRAC University, Dhaka - Bangladesh (2012), and a Visiting Professor, International Summer School, the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing – China (2017). Dr. Onyebadi is a 2018-2019 Fellow of the Institute for Diverse Leadership in Journalism and Mass Communication (USA), and the current editor of the International Communication Research Journal, a publication of the International Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), USA.
Music Studies
Communication and Journalism
Series in Politics
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Political Messaging in Music and Entertainment Spaces across the Globe. Volume 2.
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