The changing face of ESP in today's classroom and workplace
Nalan Kenny, Linda Escobar (Eds.)
by Tarek Assassi (University of Mohamed Kheider, Algeria), Omar Ibrahim Salameh Alomoush (Tafila Technical University, Jordan), Mohamed Abdelsalam Osman M. Ahmed (Dar Al Uloom Private School, UAE), Mohammad Amerian (Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran), Sonia Sharmin (East West University, Bangladesh), Ian Michael Robinson (Univeristy of Calabria, Italy), Svetlana Rubtsova (St Petersburg State University, Russia), Tatiana Dobrova (Saint Petersburg State University, Russia), Amina Gaye (Fatima College of Health Sciences, UAE), Brian G. Rubrecht (Meiji University, Japan), Takeshi Kamijo (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), Leonardo Pereira Nunes (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil), Bárbara Malveira Orfanò (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil), Joanna Morazza Erausquin (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain), Arzu Ekoç (Yildiz University, Turkey), Ivan Calleja Rituerto (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain)
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I am deeply impressed by the diversity of this manuscript of ESP made up of 14 chapters in three sections. A number of interesting language practices in diverse domains have been examined, such as formulaic language and code-switching in different industries and specific reading and writing strategies for academic purposes. These diverse linguistics practices will be found quite relevant by both teachers and learners of ESP. In addition to the variety of linguistic practices and their domains, the volume also boasts a wide range of emerging and relevant perspectives for its probe into ESP, namely, e-learning, culture and CTIL which represents the trends of ESP, or as the book title reads, the changing faces of ESP. This aspect of the volume will be found very informative and inspiring for those who are interested in carrying out research into ESP.
Dr. Huang Jian
School of Foreign Studies
Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China
Despite the growth and development of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) as an area of study since the 1960s, few books related to classroom applications in combination with other disciplines such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), English Language Teaching (ELT), or English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI), exist. Each section of this volume includes scholarly written studies from across the globe, indicating the extent and the importance ESP has in the current academic world.
Filling the present void in available material on this subject, this book contains various useful and effective applications of ESP, teaching activities for classroom settings, as well as insights on how ESP can be combined with, and adopted by, other disciplines. Written from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, this text is sure to contribute to this field and will be of interest to ESP teachers, as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students.
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Acronyms
Preface: The changing face of ESP in today’s classroom and workplace
Elena Bárcena Madera
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Section I: ESP in specific fields
Chapter 1 The Importance of Formulaic Language in Aviation English: A case study
Tarek Assassi
University of Mohamed Kheider, Algeria
Chapter 2 Linguistic and code-mixing practices in the linguistic landscape of Jordanian cities: The use of English in advertisements on printed product labels
Omar I. S. Alomoush
Tafila Technical University, Jordan
Chapter 3 ESP-Needs Analysis for Khartoum State Vocational Training Centers’ English Language Syllabus: An Evaluative Study
Mohamed Abdelsalam Osman Mohamed Ahmed
Dar Al Uloom Private School, UAE
Chapter 4 Where is English Needed at Work? Voices from Iranian Business Sectors
Mohammad Amerian
Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran
Section II: ESP through technology and culture
Chapter 5 Transnational Digital Literacy Practices of Two Karen Refugee Female Adolescents: Multimodality and Spaces
Sonia Sharmin
East West University, Bangladesh
Chapter 6 ESP and the Beatles: Songs are not only for fun
Ian Michael Robinson
Univeristy of Calabria, Italy
Chapter 7 Challenges of E-Learning in Teaching ESP: Prospects and Drawbacks
Svetlana Rubtsova, Tatiana Dobrova
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Chapter 8 Common Perceptions and Misperceptions about ESP: an overview
Amina Gaye
Fatima College of Health Sciences, UAE
Section III: ESP and EAP in CLIL and ELT
Chapter 9 Program implementation without pedagogical standardization: A case of English language program teachers utilizing disparate classroom language policies
Brian G. Rubrecht
Meiji University, Japan
Chapter 10 Examining L2 learners’ source text reading strategies for an MA module assignment in a UK university
Takeshi Kamijo
Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Chapter 11 Investigating the system of TRANSITIVITY in passive that-clauses of research abstracts
Leonardo Pereira Nunes, Bárbara Malveira Orfanò
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Chapter 12 Designing research for academic writing in the field of psychology
Joanna Moraza Erausquin
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Chapter 13 Lexical hedging and boosting strategies in the abstracts written by undergraduate ELT students
Arzu Ekoç
Yildiz University, Turkey
Chapter 14 Analysing English Dative Alternation in the Interlanguage of students in CLIL context
Ivan Calleja Rituerto
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Nalan Eren Kenny is an English language teacher with long experience of ESP and EAL, holding an MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL. She has published several articles in Open Access journals and contributed a chapter in an edited volume. Kenny has presented her research in international conferences and holds the position of Vice President of IESPTA (International ESP Teachers’ Association) in which she organizes ESP conferences with its scientific team.
Ángeles Escobar Alvarez, also known by her pen-name Linda Escobar, was awarded her PhD in Linguistics at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Dr Alvarez is Associate Professor of English Studies and Linguistics and Head of Department for Modern Languages at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). She also holds a Senior Researcher position in Applied Linguistics and is a Visiting Scholar at Ghent University (Belgium); Utrecht University (The Netherlands); University of South California (USC); University of Massachusetts (UMAS, Boston) and MIT.
ESP, CLIL, ELT, Syllabus Design, Language Acquisition and Teaching
Language and Linguistics
Series in Education
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The changing face of ESP in today's classroom and workplace
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